Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I must've made a wrong turn in Albuquerque

I just flew in from Albuquerque and boy are my arms tired...

Wow that town is depressing. When I first started at Lockheed Martin after college I was working on a project with Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque - I made a few trips out there over a year or so. There was nothing to do. The place made Worcester on a Wednesday night look like Bourbon Street...

I (we actually - I went with a co-worker whom will be the brunt of much laughter in a subsequent post) went out there on Tuesday to visit a supplier... it was absolutely the same.

Deader than Deadwood.

Granted it was a Tuesday night but when my co-worker asked for a recommendation on where to go our hosts named off "The Blahblah was great but it closed", "oh, and the whateveritwascalled was killer - but it burned down..." "The pit was cool but it got hit by a meteorite..."

So once again, the forces of the universe conspired to prevent me from having a good time.


Dena said...

Yup...I am sure that the greater powers that be in the universe have nothing better to do than make sure Brian never has a good time. Anybody else buying into that?

Scott said...

Ring ring ring.

Hello? Just a second.

Brian? It's God.

He says he never wants you to have a good time ever again.