Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Children of the Palms...

Dena usually is the one who writes about the antics of our offspring. However, this weekend Dena was ill and I took Owen and Kasey to church alone...

Now if you are a frequent reader of Dena's blog you know that we have been working with Owen on what is and is not acceptable behavior during children's time.

This past weekend was Palm Sunday. In our church, on Palm Sunday all the children gather in the narthex of the church each holding a palm frond and then at the begining of the service process into the sanctuary.

We missed the procession - we arrived to church at 10:04 - I have a rough time getting the kids anywhere on time. We did get our palm fronds though and went to sit down in front with the rest of the kids. Owen had this look like, "seriously, I get to hold a tree in church? Cool!" It took him exactly 37 seconds before he realized he could go sit in pew infront of us and use the frond to tickle his friend Patrick.

Kasey was more calm because she was actually not sure what this frond thing was anyway. Praise the Lord it was soon children's time. As we are sitting there I'm desparately trying to keep Owen focused on Reverend Terry and the story of Jesus riding the donkey into Jerusalem. Kasey is sitting on my lap and I'm really not paying attention to her.

Owen on the other hand has my full attention. He begins to systematically peel palm leaves from the frond and cry "uh oh, this palm is broken!"

I finally get Owen calm and I look down and Kasey is really enjoying the palm frond. So much though that she's eaten about an inch off the stem.

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